





3・11原発・核反対集会 Production Of Labor Video Project













これからもNo Nukes Actionは福島の問題に光を当て続けていく予定です。



Statements for 11 years anniversary


To: Prime Minister Kishida, 岸田内閣総理大臣殿
Dear Prime Minister Kishida,
The last 2 weeks, I’ve been watching TV coverage of Russians invading Ukraine.
Again I can’t sleep well. A middle-aged schoolteacher and her colleagues, with a
long pistol around her shoulder, were huddled together in a desolate building,
crying. They were going into battle, carrying their old family guns.
This brings me back to 2011, Fukushima. We were glued to the TV day after day,
incredulous of the nightmarish scenes unfolding right in front of our eyes.
I have been carrying forlorn images of several Fukushima young girls speaking
about their fear of not being able to marry or have children when they grew
up. They were afraid that they would be considered a marriage risk, for their DNA
might have been altered due to the radiation they were exposed to, and Japanese
men from other regions would shun them. “Do we need to find guys from the
disaster area?” ‘Will they even marry us though?” A girl said in a sinking voice.
There must be countless such cases, such stories, among the people who are
from the nuclear-accident affected areas.
Why do they have to suffer so much? Who caused their suffering? The answer is
clear. TEPCO and the Japanese government. This is a human-made disaster; in an
earthquake-prone country, TEPCO’s overriding priority was profit, and they chose
not to be attentive to the possible high tsunamis, which should have been
expected to occur according to the engineers.
Now, however, a group of 6 extremely brave young men and women, age 17 to 27,
all children when the disaster took place, banded together to take the
perpetrators, the Japanese government and TEPCO, to court. They plan to prove
and establish the fact that their thyroid cancer was a direct result of radiation
exposure, which the government has been stubbornly denying. I understand that
this is the very first time when the disaster victims themselves came together,
stood up and are about to sue the Government and TEPCO. Young people standing
up! Against the power of the authority, the force of the state! They are in the
middle of fundraising campaign, which is reportedly going well. The news has
brought us a whiff of fresh air, a ray of hope for the future of Fukushima victims’
struggle, which they do with dignity and pride.
Today, after 11 years, the triple meltdown disaster is still on going. Over 30,000
residents who fled their unlivable homeland continue to live as refugees in other
TEPCO and the Japanese government specialists are not able to capture and bring
out the dangerous melted debris, and now a big controversy is the government
position, slated to dump the radiation contaminated cooling water into the Pacific
We will continue to raise our voice against the nuclear power plants.
We protest against the Japanese government who is trying to minimize on-going
Fukushima calamity. Fukushima has not been resolved. We’ll not repeat
Fukushima; we’ll not let you repeat Fukushima!

Yoko Clark
In Berkeley

サンフランシスコ市在住 日野洋子

Uranium’s Song
I lay hidden beneath alkaline dust,
the pink and copper oxides
of canyon walls
where mountains rise
from the desert river.
Neither blessed nor cursed,
I dwelled in silence.
Life never entered me,
like saguaro or antelope
whose hooves strike the hard hot earth,
or like the turquoise lizard
of long, still meditation.
I drift now, a tiny genii of chaos,
released into clouds
and green tides that cross the Pacific,
tainted by the burst spleen
of Fukushima Dai-Ichi.
In sandstorms, once,
I whirled through Baghdad

after the smoke of tank shells
bled into blue haze.
I entered the lungs
of the women of Fallujah,
whose children were born
with hideous cavities,
and I found my way
to the ewe’s womb
beside the Tigris
where she gave birth
to two-headed lambs.
Long ago,
I entered the marrow of Hiroshima;
sang my song of plunder
in the bones of Nagasaki,
scorching them from within.
I’ve taken many lives,
but I never lived
like ravens
or slim cedar, whose leaves
are coated now
with my signature,
in the mountains
of Niigata and Tochigi.
I did not choose
to become an Angel of Death.
Before you came
to dig me from my place,
I dwelled in silence,
among sage and yucca,
beneath the red evening wind.
Dan Marlin
(Lived in Berkeley and passed away in 2017)

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

On the 11th anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster, I am writing to
you, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, to appeal to your conscience. Eleven years
after the disaster, it seems to me that the Japanese government is forcing a
closure on the horrific atrocities, despite the fact that the decommissioning of the
defunct plant is far from over, the outstanding issues of the radioactive waste and
contaminated water remain, and people’s suffering continues.
Mr. Kishida, recently I had the opportunity to listen to young survivors’
testimonies. These young people were between the ages of 6 and 16 at the time of
the accident and they have all developed thyroid cancer. All six of them have had
at least one surgery. Four of them have suffered a relapse and have undergone or
are going to undergo radiation therapy. One person has had four surgeries. In
another, the cancer spread to the lungs. They each had hopes and dreams for the
future which had been stunted, because their health has been severely
compromised. Even if they manage to remain relatively healthy, they worry that
they may not be able to pursue a career, get married or start a family. Young
people are supposed to have a future of limitless possibilities, but that has been
taken away from them forever.
Earlier this year, these young people have taken steps to launch a lawsuit against
TEPCO, to hold them accountable for the accident and suffering that it has
inflicted. Now, I know that the Japanese government has refused to acknowledge
the relationship between the spike in thyroid cancer cases in Fukushima children
and the 2011 nuclear accident.Because of this denial, not only these young people
but many others have been forced to suffer in silence. They have been made to
feel that they are troublemakers for speaking up, when in fact we as a society owe
them an apology for silencing them. They deserve justice, and it starts with the
Japanese government’s acknowledgement that their illnesses have been caused
by the accident. And I need to point out that there has been human suffering of an
enormous magnitude. People have lost their hometown, their livelihood, and their
loved ones to suicides in some cases. Families and communities have been broken
apart. They also deserve the acknowledgement that they’ve been wronged. They
need reparations.
I would like to ask you, Prime Minister Kishida, to take bold steps to steer Japan
into the direction of a nuclear-free nation. It is insane that six reactors are in
operation in a seismic country like Japan even after an accident as catastrophic as
that of Fukushima Daiichi. It’s been 31 years since I immigrated to the US, but
every time I visit Japan and see the oceans, mountains and rivers, my heart aches.
I want them to remain as untainted as possible so people whom I love can lead
healthy, prosperous lives.
Lastly, I plead to you, Prime Minister Kishida, to stand on the right side of history
by signing and ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Seeing
what is happening in Ukraine should convince us all that the world can no longer
wait to abolish nuclear weapons. It is the wish of the people of Hiroshima,
Nagasaki, the Marshall Islands, Kazakhstan, Chernobyl, Fukushima, and

everywhere that has been affected by nuclear atrocities. Please be courageous
and do the right thing.
Tsukuru Fors
West Hollywood, California
To lower the radiation levels,
They’ve been scraping off the soils and stuffing them in the black bags.
In the process of doing so, perhaps
They also scraped off the sceneries that used to be there
What used to exist in those places
are fading from our memories
post offices, banks, supermarkets, hospitals, izakayas....
the house where Mr. and Mrs. so-and-so once lived.
A certain park comes to mind
Everyday I used to see the sunset beyond the park
I remember the scenery of the park by the ocean
that has become the area of no entry due to the high radiation levels
What's inside the black bags
gets sorted out as they enter the temporary storage facility
but the sceneries that they contain
cannot be sorted by the machine
The entire city gets wiped off the map
and a new one is being built in its place
bit by bit memories of what used to be is being replaced
This cannot be stopped
We mustn’t forget
inside the memory that we point to, is the ambiguity that has once been a scenery
that is slowly disappearing
but at least I want to say good bye
Takao Kimura
Fukushima Japan

Dear PM Fumio Kishida –
Today marks the 11th anniversary of the incredibly destructive earthquake and
tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011, and the historic, even deadlier nuclear
accident at the Daiichi nuclear plant in the Fukushima area of your great nation.
This NNA group in San Francisco has been your conscience and that of the entire
government in Japan related to that disaster for 11 long years. Led by tireless
speakers, leaders, and
coordinators, the NNA has been a voice in the wilderness, working hard to reach
people all over the Bay area and beyond with the pleas to recognize and assist the
ONGOING nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Primarily, these have been our requests
to the former prime minister, and now to you:
(1) Shut down all nuclear facilities in the nation immediately, as should happen also
in the U.S. and all around the world.
(2) Continue to locate and reclaim melted cores in performing a full, correct
decontamination. Ensure that all clean-up crews are well cared for and made safe.
(3) Continue to disburse adequate subsidies for those evacuees who don’t want to
return to Fukushima. Find suitable training and jobs for those displaced.
(4) Work with doctors and relevant professionals to ensure the best medical care
for those adversely affected by the meltdowns, whether by radiation, or by stress.
(5) Repeal your so-called Secrecy and Conspiracy laws immediately, they not only
hurt the public, but they hurt you in government as well.
(6) Pay fair and adequate compensation, while compelling Tepco to the same, for
all injuries related to the disaster.

(7) Stop all efforts to lend the great nation of Japan to warfare outside of true self-

(8) Make all efforts to combat spurious or controversial and unproved claims
against Japan.
Will you be the prime minister who has proven himself on the right side of history?
行春や 鳥啼き魚の 目は泪
Please do not let the spring pass you by, Prime Minister. Please do what you must
to care for Earth, the beautiful nation of Japan, and the many affected by the
Jason Kamalie

たか? 原発の安全神話を築いてきた側に立って、反省するものがありましたか?


濱田 ちづ
Berkeley California


This is Shoko from NAZEN TOKYO, 
Right now I’m on the bullet train heading for Fukushima city.
I cannot join your ZOOM meeting, but I wanted to show we are all in tight solidarity over the sea.

This is the time for us

Now that PUTIN took over Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia violently, everybody knows,

I read an interview of a mother in Kiev, few days before the bombing started,
She said “I can’t decide to evacuate…Other people that COULD evacuate DID already, long time ago.” It reminded me of a mother in Fukushima, that said exactly the same thing.
Fukushima have been under WARTIME, since 2011.03.11.
Still ongoing pollution, making children suffer for cancer.y
And still, foolish Kishida, Japanese prime minister is forcing to release the Tritium polluted water into the ocean.

We have to say out loud from Japan,
Our LIFE is in OUR HANDS!!!

We are starting a new signature movement, against the releasing of tritium polluted water.
Please sign, Be the member of caller for this movement!
Let’s do everything we can do.

Shoko Tomita
National Conference to Eliminate All Nuclear Plants Immediately!  (NAZEN)


The Hoshino Defense Committee’s message

Hoshino Akiko, Co-chair

Thank you for your solidarity action at the Consulate of Japan in San Francisco on March 11.

This same day in Japan we, the Hoshino Defense Committee, are participating in 2022 Anti-Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima Action on March 11 in Fukushima City. 

Our venue, Shinobuyama Park, is located only 500 yards from the site of Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Ceremony, which PM Fumio Kishida attends. 

He came to Fukushima on March 11 to enforce dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific. This is an integral part of the government’s re-militarization policy: revision of the Constitution and aggressive war on China. Kishida has repeatedly stated that Japan must possess “enemy base strike capabilities.” 

Eleven years has passed since the earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident. The number of the evacuees was 160,000 at its peak. Now, according to the Fukushima Prefecture’s very conservative press release, 34,000 people are still languishing in remote areas in and out of Fukushima. On top of it, the central and local governments are scheming to evict evacuees from their shelter. 

The government are distributing a pamphlet to every elementary kid, which teaches, “tritium water is safe.”

Against this backdrop, a new struggle has begun at Fukushima. Six plaintiffs who have suffered from childhood thyroid cancer due to radiation fallout from Fukushima nuclear accident filed a lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric Company to the Tokyo District Court, overcoming fear of harsh discrimination and harassment. As a crisis of nuclear war is looming over the world, their struggle is all the more important. We will do everything possible to support them.

We are fighting against war on Ukraine. 

Do not kill Ukrainians! Russia, NATO hands off Ukraine!

In Russia, great anti-war struggles are growing, confronting the oppressive machine, which arrested over 7,000 people. Following 100,000 anti-war demonstrators in Berlin, protests are spreading in Europe, the United States and the rest of the world including Tokyo and other cities in Japan. 

Stop war on Ukraine by the power of international solidarity!

US and Japanese imperialism are planning to deploy medium range missiles in Okinawa and all of the Nansei Islands. The road to stop the war is to defeat our own government, Japanese imperialism. Stop War on China by the power of workers’ solidarity!

Three years ago, Fumiaki Hoshino was killed. While reading his letters, I continue dialogs with Fumiaki.

The state compensation lawsuit for Hoshino entered an important phase. We submitted opinions of three doctors. One is a liver surgeon specialist of a medical university whose opinion reads “at 18:50 on the day of Hoshino’s surgery when his blood pressure rapidly decreased, the attending physician should suspect abdominal cavity internal hemorrhage, perform a blood test, ultrasonography, and abdominal surgery; the physician, however, failed to do all of such standard treatment, only a symptomatic treatment was performed.” Dr. Yuko Yanagisawa, an internist at Funabashi Futawa Hospital, condemned that she cannot see anything in the treatments after the surgery but gross indifference to human life and extreme irresponsibility. “The ‘prison healthcare’ is not healthcare.”

Our state compensation lawsuit is not only for Fumiaki’s justice but for change of the prison healthcare without any human rights and Japanese society that has accepted such a prison system way.

In the US, the lives and health of many political prisoners including Mumia Abu-Jamal have been threatened. We also fight for immediate release of Mumia.

We are fighting also for Masaaki Ōsaka’s freedom. On November 14, 1971, he fought against the Okinawa Reversion Agreement together with Fumiaki. He has been behind bars for four years as Fumiaki’s co-defendant. He suffers from nasal polyp that makes him difficult to breathe. The Tokyo Detention Center, however, refuse to permit his surgery. 

Osaka has been kept in solitary confinement and held incommunicado for four years.

Stop blatant violation of Ōsaka’s rights! Free Osaka immediately!

Thank you.

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